The Rocky Mountain Hams website has an extensive list of the latest DMR compatible radios. My two DMR rigs are the Connect Systems CS700 and a Motorola XPR4550 mobile. Wondering what Digital Mobile Radio is all about? Learn more here.
The February edition of Digital QST is now available!
What is Quadnet? “We are a routing network that doesn’t require a CLUB CALL signs and have no registrations,” says the website. “Just point your gateway to one of the QuadNet servers listed on this website or the link page in the drop down box in the ircddbgateway software…
“Carpe Diem!” This will be my 327th Monday Motivator. Our weekly visits have been an often enlightening exercise in self discovery. I’ve enjoyed the discipline of studying life’s ups and downs and finding a deeper understanding the habits of happiness. It has stretched my mind, helped me over some of…
The Raspberry Pi mini-computer is to the new millenium what the Commodore 64 was to the 1980s, a way-cool too for hams. With no D-Star repeaters within HT range at the W9WSW QTH, a DVAP is the most convenient way to enjoy this digital mode around the house. We’ve been…
Courtesy of Daryl WX1DER Sunday: International D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 1 Charlie. Southeast US D-Star Weather Net, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 2 Alpha. Texas Interconnect Team K5TIT D-Star Users Group, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 33 Bravo. Monday: Mid-Atlantic D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 20 Alpha. El Paso D-Star…
By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. I marvel at our men and women in uniform. These days, it’s hard to get kids to make this a career, so I have a particular appreciation for those who have dedicated themselves to protecting our way of life for…
“Let’s get the kids a dog.” I can’t remember which of us said it but there was a lot of discussion about the particulars. Our house in Florida was small back then and the kids were not yet in high school. We had tried our luck with a Brittany Spaniel…
The MSU Amateur Radio Club maintains a Facebook page. It’s updated more regularly than the club website and is a good place to keep up on amateur radio activities at Michigan State University.
By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “Friends become wiser together through a healthy clash of viewpoints.” ~Timothy Keller We are a judgemental species, filled with division and prejudice. We are influenced by provocative sound bytes that are often inaccurate and oversimplify complex issues. Tightly held…