Updated List of D-Star Nets

Courtesy of Daryl WX1DER Sunday: International D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 1 Charlie. Southeast US D-Star Weather Net, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 2 Alpha. Texas Interconnect Team K5TIT D-Star Users Group, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 33 Bravo. Monday: Mid-Atlantic D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 20 Alpha. El Paso D-Star…

When You Can’t Agree

By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “Friends become wiser together through a healthy clash of viewpoints.” ~Timothy Keller We are a judgemental species, filled with division and prejudice. We are influenced by provocative sound bytes that are often inaccurate and oversimplify complex issues. Tightly held…