“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” – Ryunosuke Satoro Right before I became Head Servant at the MSU Alumni Association, I had the honor of assembling a team to advance Comcast’s fortunes in New Mexico and Arizona. It’s one of many that I’ve served in over three…
After my morning run here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I explored the seven story Pavilion Shopping Center. When I travel, I’m always on the lookout for things that will interest the women in my family and this wins the prize. Here’s a 90 second tour. You might be able to…
By Scott Westerman “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” – Mother Teresa Sometimes the smallest acts of kindness and support can make all the difference. I sent a short email of support to a friend. It had been whispering to me for some…
Why Do Companies Bet Against Big Ideas? Tips For Positioning Your Book In A Crowded Field. You’re Being Followed: How Google—and 104 Other Companies—Are Tracking You on the Web. Just how much do you REALLY want that dream job? Where in the World Are the Hottest Social Networking Countries? How…
Seth: Sticking to what you (don’t) know. Building an Effective SEO Strategy. Yahoo threatens Facebook as social media patent war looms. A Sign of Success – People Start Picking On You: Attorney Says Pinterest Must Change Copyright Policy. How We Are Breaking the Law Every Day (and What We Can…
By Scott Westerman “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James Abel looked at me from behind a mask. He could hardly breathe. One of my favorite Comcast technical supervisors had cheated death. But his doctors had just told him he would always need an…
By Scott Westerman “What people expected of me was too much. Too much to try to live up to. Too much to try to be. And I wanted out at some point.” Whitney Houston The wall to wall coverage of Whitney Houston’s death is a testament to the unrealistic pedestal on…
Here’s a story about two business who don’t understand how to build strong customer relationships.. and two who do. I bought a couple of suits at a men’s store at the Meridian Mall the other day. You can probably figure out which one it is. The service was good and…
By Scott Westerman It is said that at any given time, we are either going into a crisis, in a crisis our coming out of a crisis. How we behave in each of those spaces will reveal who we truly are. Character is defined in adversity not in affluence. The…
By Scott Westerman We all work for ourselves. You may align your personal brand with an organization for a time, but never forget that you are your most important shareholder. There’s no way around it. We create our professional persona everywhere we are, in everything we say and do.