Bob Berry’s brilliant audio masterpiece. LISTEN HERE
By Scott Westerman I originally wrote this in November of 2010. Ironic that every word still applies, both to our football team and to life. “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for…
Tony Schwartz is the president and CEO of The Energy Project and the author of The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working. He also blogs for the Harvard Business Review. Tony recently shared some excellent thoughts on “Fueling Positive Emotions in a World Gone Mad” that are worth repeating. We’ll turn…
By Scott Westerman Help! I need advice on the perfect cell phone! I admit it. I’m starting to tire of how ineffective the iPhone keyboard works with my fat fingers. I miss my Blackberry Pearl and it’s fast, intuitive thumb board. And, of course, AT&T’s coverage in my neck of…
By Scott Westerman “Being Politically Correct means always having to say you’re sorry.” – Charles Osgood Nothing torpedoes a career these days like being politically incorrect. Unfortunately, its definition has become so broad that whatever you say, and how you say it, is certain to offend somebody.
By Scott Westerman What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters. Compared to what lies within us. – Emerson When we find ourselves in the depths of an adventure, a challenge or an emotion, the topography of our environment can be an unwelcome distraction. Get a…
By Scott Westerman The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running. Running has been an important meditation practice for much of my adult life. There is no high like a runner’s high. When the endorphins are flowing, new ideas seem to flow with…
Friends! Your kind words for my humble Monday Motivator have been truly inspiring. Writing these short essays each week is a labor of love for me. I have enough of these tomes down on paper to fill a small book and will be publishing them under the title “The Spartan…
By Scott Westerman I’ve been seriously reconnecting with my running these past few weeks. The cooler fall mornings have arrived and with tools like RunKeeper and an iPod GPS, the real time feedback you get is great. That’s if you can get out of bed, get stretched and get out…
By Scott Westerman School starts at MSU on Monday. The dorms are brimming with kids who can’t wait to get rid of their parents. Text books are flying out of the bookstores and tomorrow begins a brand new year of enlightenment, inside and outside the classroom. For my business friends,…