On Work

By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” ~Theodore Roosevelt This is what we celebrate on Labor Day, that American Work Ethic that defined our finest hours and…


By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “Care about the outcome.”  It had taken weeks to orchestrate the call. Five participants from various silos within the corporation were on the line to hear my pitch for a sponsorship opportunity with our alumni association. I asked the…

The Watch

By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “True friendship is the greatest gift you can give. “ The box was the square, brown, cardboard variety that regularly hatches small bits of electronics, pottery tools and paperbacks at our house. On top was an envelope that said,…


By Scott Westerman Listen to an audio version of this message. “Free your mind from seeing yourself as you are, so you can see you might become” You could see it in the eyes of everyone in attendance at the conference. The business was changing. Traditional revenue streams could no longer be…