W8SH Open House Gratitude

Hello again to all supporters of W8SH.

Last evening was our shack open house.  With over a dozen people , it was well attended and a big success.  The student contingent were very busy playing with and comparing several of the new SDR rigs. ( software defined radio)  It was wonderful to see the excitement in these students as they compaired notes on the different rigs.

Looks like i’ll be “boning up” on these new “gismos” soon so that i may join in on the fun. Pizza es pop were provided and everyone had fun enjoying each others camaraderie.   We also discussed our “wish list” for updating the computers in the shack. We are looking into replacement/update of the computers in the shack which all currently run on “XP”.  If any of you have suggestions please let me know.

The group suggested that we have a Club meeting soon to get things rolling on website updates and general operation of the shack.  The date agreed upon was Thursday March 19th,2015.  7:30 pm.   I’ll be putting out an e-mail reminder on this meeting at a later date.

I’d like to thank all of the alums and friends who came out last night to support our club. Your time and efforts are invaluable in keeping W8SH vibrant and moving forward.  School Club Roundup is still going strong all week, so if you want to participate, please let me know so i may try and accommodate access to the shack.

Ed Oxer W8EO, has prepared a Buddy List, pairing up new hams with experienced ops to help “show em the ropes” and answer questions. If you wish to help in that regard please contact him for the latest open slots.

Thank you again to all who help keep MSUARC moving forward into the future.   

73 Gregg