Be Grateful

By Scott Westerman
Listen to an audio version of this message.

“We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.” – Thornton Wilder

Wherever you head and heart may be at this moment, you have many reasons to be grateful.

Be grateful for the sunrise. It heralds a fresh start.

Be grateful for sunsets. They remind us that tomorrow is another day.

Be grateful for good health. It’s life’s greatest gift and most of us take it for granted.

Be grateful for the setbacks you have faced. Resistance is often the key to strength.

Be grateful for your achievements. They are meant to be examples for others to follow.

Be grateful for true friends. They are few and will strengthen and sustain you, even as you strengthen and sustain them.

Be grateful for beginnings. They are new opportunities for growth and service to others.

Be grateful endings. As Dr Seuss wisely said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

Be grateful for your mistakes. The secret of happiness is often hidden among them.

Be grateful for hope. It is the one thing that drives all change and the only thing we can’t afford to lose.

And most of all, wherever you may be right now, take a moment to enjoy the view. The mountain top is more beautiful if you’ve known the darkness of the valley.

Have a grateful week!