Minutes of the 3/19/15 MSUARC Meeting

Here are the meeting minutes for 3/19/15: The meeting came to order at 7:05p. Present were:  Scott KB8VWM, Forest  KD8NKI, Reece  KD8VNY, Teng (no license yet), Andrew  KE7ESD, Gregg  WB8LZG, Ed W8EO, Bob W8RSJ, Dennis  KB8ZQZ, Steve WB8WSF, John KD8BQX, Dave, K8GVK. Reece accepted the role of Club President for the following…

Ham Radio 101 – Antenna Tuners

If you’ve ever sung in the shower and hit a note where the sound seemed to amplify, you’ve experienced resonance. Every antenna has a particular frequency on which it is “resonant”. When we transmit on a radio frequency that is resonant with the antenna, very little power is lost and…

MSUARC Meeting Tonight!

Join us March 19 at 7PM, 2121 Engineering Building for the MSU Amateur Radio Club March Meeting. We’ll review W8SH’s current equipment compliment and hold a maker-space build-it-yourself session on “Building an Audio Oscillator.” See you there!