Daily Digest: 8/13/12

By the Numbers Monday: 5 Tips for Filling Out Online Applications 10 Vital Stats for Blog Health—and How to Track Them 38 Life Lessons from 38 Years of Living Using the 80/20/5  Rule to Develop Laser Sharp Focus Today’s quote worth re-quoting: “The greatest inspiration is often born of desperation.”  ~Comer Cotrell…

Daily Digest 8/9/12

Branding & Career Tips from The Apple Experience. Some thoughts on Leadership in digital economy. The 7 Habits of Remarkable Marketers and why You Should Be Targeting Tablet Users. A look inside Oregon’s College Sports Social Command Center. Protecting our data and our digital identity: What We Can Learn From Wired Reporter’s Epic…

Daily Digest: 8/8/12

By Scott Westerman When is it appropriate to disappoint your customers? Harvard’s Francis Frei says it’s ok to not be good at everything, as long as you understand your customers’ priorities. [Video] An orientation for the MSUAA alumni who will be returning to campus to welcome new Freshmen to our…

Daily Digest 8/6/12

By Scott Westerman Who’s your favorite social media thought leader? Here’s a list of 15. Are you an introvert? Lots of very successful people are. Here’s how they innovate. From our Social Media 101 file: 26 common social media terms you need to know. 30/30: another productivity app that can…

What I Believe

By Scott Westerman Nothing like talking about religion to stir people up. When we lived in the south, it seemed like one question that was on everybody’s list was, “have you found a church home?” If we said, “no”, the inundation of proselytization began. One of my most vivid Florida memories…