By Scott Westerman Sometimes I get on a roll. As I research these Monday missives I admit to occasions when I have so much I want to share that the normal pre-caffeinated attention spans in our mornings together don’t quite have the stamina to keep up. Such was the feedback…
By Scott Westerman If I could make one recommendation to improve your mood, energy capacity and proclivity it would be this: Get rid of the Energy Suckers in your life! “If people around you aren’t going anywhere, if their dreams are no bigger than hanging out on the corner, or…
My wonderful daughter, Shelby, is one of my biggest cheerleaders. From the time she first understood speech, she heard me talking about how attitude is everything and she practices what I preach. When she was very young, I loved the times I would tuck her in at bedtime and we…
By Scott Westerman When I took the job in suburban Peoria, I knew it would be three months until Colleen and our then very young children could join me. I was house sitting in a cavernous home with just a TV, microwave and a mattress and had, as usual, jumped…
By Scott Westerman “The best way to predict your future is to create it!” – Abraham Lincoln I had lunch this past week with a good friend who is coming to a career crossroads. We met so that he could share his resume with me and brainstorm about opportunities that…
By Scott Westerman One of the first apps I downloaded for my iPhone was the Amazon Kindle. The reviews are mixed for this mini-version of the famous Kindle EBook reader, but for me, it’s been a perfect way to keep up on my reading wherever I may be. A cool…
We can earn just about anyone’s regard by helping them build their own self respect. This doesn’t mean capitulating on your principles, or knuckling under to a bully. It does mean choosing carefully how and when we react. As Stephen Covey says, “Between stimulus and response is our greatest power – the freedom to choose.”
By Scott Westerman Over the last 72 hours, I’ve put 2300 miles on the horse. Albuquerque to San Antonio to East Lansing. I got in early this morning, hence the delay in sending you The Motivator Monday morning distribution. Since I’ve been focused on keeping it between the ditches and…
As many of you know, I’m currently embedded with the WestermaNation “Operation Total Cure”. I serve as an aide to the courageous woman who is at the front of the battle. Colleen has ovarian cancer. We had hoped she would dodge the bullet that took her sister, Anita, from us.…
By Scott Westerman “There is only one success – to spend your life in your own way.” – Christopher Morley. What is the mark of a successful person? Visit the self help section of any bookstore and you’ll see a wagon load of opinion on that topic. Here’s one example,…