Two Resolutions

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It’s that time when many of make promises we know we will break. New Year’s Resolutions are easily constructed and tend to fall apart with equal speed.

There are only two resolutions you need to make, every year, every month, every week, and every day. Prioritize people and actions which move your story forward. And deprioritize everything else.

The great sales trainer Tom Hopkins liked to say, “I must do the most productive thing possible at every given moment.” And productivity is measured against one question: Does what you are doing right now move you in the direction of your dreams? In the direction of your purpose? In the direction of happiness?

We are often drawn to activities which are tension-relieving instead of goal-achieving. The work to move forward is often not much fun. And the only difference between high achievers and the rest of the world is this: Achievers do what the under-achievers are unwilling to do.

Align your goals with things you care about. Make them clear and measurable, with deadlines for completion. But make sure they pass the priority test. Or toss them into the recycle bin.

Good things take time. They may require more than a year to gestate from ideas to habits, to growth and ultimately to completion.

For better or worse, habits lead to significant change. Build yours around moving your story forward. And no matter what the new year throws at you, your ultimate progress is guaranteed.