“I’ll take my future.”
We are seduced by loud voices who get our attention by blaming the problems we face on people who are different. Taking the time to appreciate differences can reveal un-imagined treasures.
My mind likes to replay every mistake I’ve made. There are many. In the frankest moments with others I trust, I’m told this is common.
The veil of innocent youth lifts when we discover that the day-to-day is a series of story problems.
Perhaps we should stop insisting that our lives be a certain way and instead embrace it the way it is right now.
These days, it feels like divisions are sharper, tempers are hotter, voices are louder, the future is bleaker. It ain’t necessarily so.
The world is filled with noise and distractions. With so many voices competing for our attention, what should we care about?
68 years of life’s toll weigh on me, contemplating the world we will pass on to Hudson’s generation.
To often, we sing someone’s praises after they are out of earshot. Why wait?
Discipline will take you where motivation won’t. It is the essential bridge between goals and achievement.