By Scott Westerman “What’s measured improves” Peter F. Drucker How do we know when we are doing a good job?
In the final installment of my “Writing for Social Media”, we tackle the challenge of creating an effective Facebook presence. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of creating content that gets noticed and explore the three keys to building a successful social media brand.
Stop, Start, Continue.. This is the sometimes painful, but nearly always productive process of listing those behaviors we need to initiate, amplify or throw in the trash. This week, another guest post from the proprietors of Marc and Angel Hack Life. They attack the concept head on. Discover their “Practical Tips…
My presentation to MSU’s Broad College of Business on Personal Branding, distilled to 3:13 by Russ White.
In part two of our series on Writing for Social Media, Executive Director, we explore the intricacies of getting your message across in 140 characters or less. How do we incorporate Twitter handles in a tweet? What’s the best way to include a hot link? And what journalistic fundamental is…
In the first of a series, we explore the three main strategies that individuals and businesses use when they consider a social media game plan. Are you a broadcaster, an interactor or an engager? We’ll evaluate the upsides and downsides of each approach and tee up part two of the…
By Scott Westerman “In order to succeed in the new world of work you MUST become the commander of your career.” – Dan Schawbel The most important company in your portfolio is “You, Inc.” How profitable is it?
By Scott Westerman “It is not genius that reveals to me suddenly and secretly what I should do in circumstances unexpected by others; it is thought and preparation.” – Napoleon Bonaparte “Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. Forget flower bouquets and work on developing some captivating skills.” – Napoleon…
This is my favorite work-week breakfast dish. When we first met, my beautiful, talented wife got to my heart by way of my stomach (and her mom’s exquisite cooking). Here’s how. More stuff like this can be found at
“In essence, our lives are about defining, bracketing and chasing… Happiness.” (From my keynote at the 2012 Choices Conference in Grand Rapids.) As I write this I’m freshly returned from a trip to Asia. 48 hours ago, I was standing on a street corner in the center of Kuala Lumpur…