Listen to an audio version of this message. “Prioritize people who care, in the end they will be the only ones there.” Giving hearts can be trapped in un-productive relationships. The flip side of compassion can sometimes be a tendency to hang on to someone when you should be letting them…
For years, the Electro Voice RE20 was the studio standard we radio announcers loved. It seemed to enhance the bottom end of our voices, giving us a three-pack-a-day throat without the cigarettes. Today the SURE SM7B and the Heil PR40 often supplant RE20s in the control room. But NPR uses…
Space fans with 4th generation Apple TV’s are in for a treat with a new NASA streaming app.
As heard on 5985 khz on June 26th.
A great article on the state of our “essential avocation”.
One of the hottest sellers at Dayton in 2016 was the Tytera MD-380 handheld UHF radio. At just over $100 dollars it opened the door for many more hams to explore Digital Mobile Radio (DMR). There are a lot of great web resources to learn about DMR. So this piece…
By Scott Westerman This week some thoughts on Memorial Day and a look back on a speech I gave to the graduating class at Michigan State University’s Army ROTC graduation in 2013. As I record this we’re preparing to celebrate Memorial Day in the United States. A time when we…