Historian and political observer Steven Beschloss notes this week that “Strong, capable people surround themselves with strong, capable people.” We become who we hang with is the second of my seven precepts for happiness. And we’ve all experienced what it’s like to work with and for people who lack strength…
When I look around and see hate speech spreading so easily online, I feel two strong emotions: anger and sadness. Anger that anyone would hurt someone because of their background, who they love, or what they believe. And sadness that so many join in without a second thought. But now is our time to change that.
When it feels like the world is crumbling, gratitude can anchor us to hope and perspective. Here are some things to be thankful for, this holiday season: The People Who Care Those who stand by us—friends, family, or even kind strangers—remind us we’re not alone. The Strength to Keep Going…
Dr. Wharton was more than a trailblazer—he was an inspiration, a mentor, and a living example of what it means to break barriers with grace and determination. It’s hard to sum up a life as extraordinary as his, but to know him was to witness history being made.
Sometimes, in our darkest hours, we forget these facts of life that Brianna Weiss so powerfully articulates: You deserve beautiful things to happen to you. You deserve miracles. You deserve to be loved in every way you ever dreamed you could be. You deserve everything you have worked and waited…
When one party controls the presidency, Supreme Court, and both houses of Congress, it can create a challenging environment for those who feel their views are underrepresented. Here are some effective strategies for meaningful action.
I’m receiving a snowstorm of emails and texts from friends of every political bent who are terrified for our future. Here are a few thoughts about the five commonalities shared by people who find reserves of resilience and energy in every season.
Keep doing good things and expect nothing in return. Kindness is always a counterbalance to evil. And joy inevitably finds its way into the hearts of the faithful servant.
Here’s an editorial from W. Scott Westerman, III, president and general manager of my own life:
John Teachout tuned our family piano when I was a kid. He was blinded in World War II but had clearer vision then many sighted people.