On Tuesday, April 2nd, I ordered a Chumby. Here’s the UPS tracking log that chronicles its trip from manufacturer to ABQ. Notice that the longest delay was in Louisville, waiting to clear customs. We take for granted how quickly stuff can get from one end of the world to another.…
Immediacy, personalization, interpretation, authenticity, embodiment, patronage and findability Doc Searls post is on the money as usual channeling Jay Deragon and Kevin Kelly. Interesting that the 7 generatives tie directly to some of the magic words Rob Curley uses make newspapers relevant in the Internet age. People who realize how…
More proof that you can do anything on the Internet. Chris Pirillo turned me on to Bitstrips.com, a place where you can create and publish your own comic strip. When I think about it, there are many family conversations that are ripe for three panels and a punch line. So…
March 2, 1966 – WKNR News reports that there are 215,000 US soldiers serving in Viet Nam. March 2, 2008 – The GlobalSecurity.org website reports that there are 180,000 US soldiers serving in the Iraq theater.
If you are a Scrabble fan, Scrabulous could become an addiction. With both stand-alone and Facebook based versions, you can play your favorite word game with folks from every corner of the world. There’s just one rub: The people who own the rights to the board game, Hasbro and Mattel,…
Those who have read about the Kryptonite Lock debacle know that companies ignore the blogisphere at there peril. With Twitter.com‘s explosive growth in popularity among the text message generation, those 140 character tweets are the next frontier in consumer feedback. Being totally addicted to the power of search engines, I…
By Scott Westerman I’ve written elsewhere about how much I love my T-Mobile Dash and it’s ability feed the Internet to my laptop. As a radio amateur, I’m a fan of High Speed Multimedia (HSMM) and its ability to provide point to point and infrastructure broadband connectivity “when all else…
During my three years at Mediacom, I had this poster behind my desk on the wall. It was big and green and everyone who came into my office couldn’t miss it. When I left the company, it somehow didn’t make the trip. I got an email months later from an…
By Scott Westerman We’re pleased with our T-Mobile relationship. For most of us, there are a handful of folks that represent the bulk of our minutes and the Five Faves option gives us unlimited minutes with them. Brandon and Step are T-Mobilers so we have the mobile-to-mobile deal so we…
I was talking with a co-worker this week about a challenge she’s facing at the office. It’s a big one, an issue that would definitely keep me up at night. She said something that put it in immediate perspective, “If you’ve lost a child, everything else is much less important.”…