By Scott Westerman – W9WSW How many of us remember Jim McKay’s introduction to ABC’s Wide World of Sports? “The thrill of victory… And the agony of defeat!” Such are the joys and frustrations for enthusiasts of Radiosport. Radiosport, the term coined for the dogged pursuit of the many certificates…
Category: W9WSW
Scott’s Amateur Radio Hobby.
The American Radio Relay League‘s Ward Silver’s terrific webinar on leveraging contesting as training for public service communications.
For years, the Electro Voice RE20 was the studio standard we radio announcers loved. It seemed to enhance the bottom end of our voices, giving us a three-pack-a-day throat without the cigarettes. Today the SURE SM7B and the Heil PR40 often supplant RE20s in the control room. But NPR uses…
As heard on 5985 khz on June 26th.
One of the hottest sellers at Dayton in 2016 was the Tytera MD-380 handheld UHF radio. At just over $100 dollars it opened the door for many more hams to explore Digital Mobile Radio (DMR). There are a lot of great web resources to learn about DMR. So this piece…
Seven years ago I first had the honor of meeting K5UR at the Rocky Mountain Division gathering in Taos. Rick Roderick was an ARRL vice president in those days and his message still resonates: Relevant, Resilient, Ready. He touched on those points and many more in an inspiring address at the…
Beyond the horrors of interrogation and torture, lack of information about what’s happening on the outside is was a huge challenge for prisoners of war during World War II. Here’s how POW’s kept informed by making their own radios while in captivity.
Here’s something fun. Play around with circuit design using your favorite browser. Works best with basic circuitry. A good parallel to software solutions like Multisim & PSpice