Those of us with an addiction to achievement often spend too much time pressing for more when we should be enjoying the now. If we’re not careful, we will miss it.
Divisive politics and cultural violence will engulf us, unless we can re-commit to a shared dream: the quest for enduring peace.
Values can be good things, until you force yours on others without the desire to understand theirs.
I had an encounter this week with an academic who concluded his email with, “I wish you well.” I knew he meant the exact opposite.
Too often we judge on incorrect assumptions. That which may appear as a weakness can reveal a hidden strength.
Limitations others place on you are merely their perceptions, not your reality. They are often totally wrong.
When others don’t appreciate you, use their indifference as fuel to ignite your self-belief.
If you want to know who your real friends are, see what they do for you when there is nothing you are able to do for them.
Challenge paradigms, including your own, from the perspective of life’s ultimate purpose: We are here to relieve the suffering of others.
For all us people pleasers out there. Even with good intentions, every action is a double-edged sword