DXLab Demo – W8JRK

To the Lansing Amateur Radio Lunch Bunch

Fred (KF9U) and I are planning to get together soon at Fred’s shack to share ideas about how we’re using the DXLab suite of computer applications.  Anyone currently using DXLab or just interested in how the programs operate is cordially invited to join with us.


DXLab consists of eight different programs which “speak” to each other.  You can opt to use any one or more of the individual programs.

DXKeeper – Logging, QSLing, award tracking, etc.
SpotCollector – Integrates up to 6 DX clusters, audio announcements, etc.
Pathfinder – QSL info
DXView – Beam headings, sunrise/sunset times, DXCC progress, etc.
Commander – Transceiver/rotator control
PropView – Propogation predicting/forecasting
WinWarbler – digital mode interface, voice memory keyer, etc.
Launcher – Installs new DXLab applications, etc.

DXLab was developed (and continues to be further developed) by Dave (AA6YQ).  It is freeware, has significant documentation, and is  supported by a very active reflector (http://www.dxlabsuite.com/reflector.htm).

Fred and I will be at next Wednesday’s lunch and will be setting the date/time for a get-together during lunch.  Please let us know (at lunch or via email) if you’d like to join with us.

73 –

Joe  W8JRK