Top Tweets – For the Week Ending May 3rd

Our mornings together cover a wide range of topics, from tech to pop culture. Our followers tell us what stories resonated most and we aggregate them here. The ultimate in “listener feedback”.

Work and Career:

I’ve always told my teams to identify our most “mutually beneficial” customer relationships, gently letting go of the unprofitable and taking care of the rest. Dick Taylor shares his own take on  keeping the customer happy.

HarvardBiz: To work better with others, take a hard look at yourself and how you react to challenges.

How many of these habits do you have? They can set you up for a great career, no matter what your profession.

How to hack your brain to become more productive.

On Privacy:

We did the Ancestry DNA thing this year. Before you do it, here are some things you may want to consider.

Just so ya know.. This is why Twitter and Facebook are “Free”.

Amazon knows a ton about you, maybe more than you’re comfortable with. Here’s how to get some privacy back.

If you’ve had an email address you’ve been targeted by “phishers ”. Here’s a quick reference to help you sniff em out.


Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine and autism link debunked again: MMR vaccine actually reduces Autism risk in some girls.

I send these Tweets your way from the treadmill. Here’s more evidence that exercise sharpens the brain.

Life expectancy has increased with every century. But one expert wonders if it’s finally topping out.

Having trouble sleeping? Here are some things that may be causing it.

Everything Else:

Could you live without social media or a smartphone? Here’s one way to minimalize.

10 social media sites that no longer exist and how they failed.

How much will it cost you? Dynamic pricing will make shopping feel more like watching the stock market.

The ultimate compliment. A daughter starts a radio show to play her late father’s music.

Are you afraid of flying on a 737? Here’s one opinion on how Boeing could change that. And.. Oops. Another issue.

The end of Emperor Akihito’s reign triggers Y2K fears in Japan. Here’s why.

Guess who’s taking on AirBnB? Clue: You can use your reward points.

David Brooks on the one word that defines us. And you’re not gonna like it.

Our public faces don’t often match what’s going on inside. Via Lori Gottlieb in The Atlantic. (I’m reading Lori’s fascinating memoir: “Maybe You Should Talk to Somebody”.)

The IKEA effect: Customers doing most of the work, feeling great about it, and perceiving they have attained ‘greater value for money’ is the Holy Grail for companies.