Enduring Peace

Divisive politics and cultural violence will engulf us, unless we can re-commit to a shared dream: the quest for enduring peace.

We shall not attain enduring peace until we trade the shield of privilege for the embrace of equality, as brothers and sisters bound by our common roots.

We shall not attain enduring peace until the bounty of abundance outweighs the allure of violence, and we till the soil of compassion for all.

We shall not attain enduring peace until every soul finds solace in a home, nourishment in a meal, and hope in the promise of a better tomorrow.

We shall not attain enduring peace until can provide healthcare for the afflicted without compromising their rights to reproductive freedom and to die with dignity.

We shall not attain enduring peace until poverty and ignorance give way to prosperity and enlightenment, lighting the path to new discoveries and a brighter world.

We shall not attain enduring peace until we place the worth of individuals above material possessions, until we celebrate diversity instead of yielding to chauvinism, and until we seek thoughtful solutions instead of political expediency.

We shall not attain enduring peace until the boundaries of belief systems no longer curtail life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We shall not attain enduring peace until we strive for unity, even amidst division, weaving a tapestry of harmony from the threads of our differences.

We shall not attain enduring peace until we recognize that we are all inextricably linked in this grand journey called life.

Therefore, let us join hands and encircle the world in a diverse chain of civilization. Let us join hands to banish trust and hatred from fearful hearts and minds. Let us join hands to value honesty and character above lies and selfishness. Let us join hands to place love and compassion ahead of the quest for power and position.

Let us join hands and carry the best intentions of our ancestors so that future generations might live in the glorious light of freedom, find sustenance at the table of opportunity and know the true definition of humanity.