Winter Reading

By Scott Westerman
One of the first apps I downloaded for my iPhone was the Amazon Kindle. The reviews are mixed for this mini-version of the famous Kindle EBook reader, but for me, it’s been a perfect way to keep up on my reading wherever I may be.

A cool dimension of the iPhone Kindle is that when someone gives you a book recommendation, you can instantly download it from Amazon to your device (if it’s Kindle-ized) and don’t have to remember to write down the title, or go to the bookstore.

Don’t get me wrong. I want to do everything I can to support our booksellers. Colleen and I are frequent fliers at Borders and Barnes & Noble and have spent many a post date-night dinner browsing and buying.

So however you consume your literary media, here are a few books that have come across my radar recently that can make a difference in your professional and personal life.

Lynchpin – Seth Goden
One of the most important branding and business thinkers of our day writes about what it takes to become indispensable at work. Chock full of his usual paradigm busting and hit-on-the-side of the head insights.

The New Gold Standard, 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience – Joseph A. Michelli
Joe Michelli knows more about great customer care than almost anybody. As President of the Ritz Carleton Hotel Company, he’s developed a culture of excellence that has delivered such great results, that companies pay his team big bucks to come teach the Ritz secrets. This book distills and details how he does it.

Making Strategy Work – Timothy Galpin
The best planned strategies don’t instantly generate results. Tim Galpin shows us how to align the vision with the team and execute effectively.

The Power of Small – Linda Kaplan Thaler & Robin Koval
Linda and Robin smash the myth that we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Our smallest actions and gestures often have outsized impact on our biggest goals. Going that extra inch – whether with a client, customer, family member, or friend – speaks volumes to others about our talent, personality, and motivations.

Who’s Got Your Back – Keith Ferrazzi
The master networker of the new millennium takes personalizes his Never Eat Alone concepts. Each of us needs a board of directors.. Accountability buddies who can keep us on course and be a sounding board for our hopes and dreams. Keith walks us, step by step, along the path to build and nurture a team of mentors and confidants who can ensure our happiness and success.

Pick one for some inspiration and see if it adds value.