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There have been several iterations of W9WSW.com over the years. We first created it with raw HTML, updating each page with Notepad. Several years ago we moved to WordPress. Somewhere in New Mexico, my database got corrupted, so we’re rebuilding again.

If it’s vaguely connected with amateur radio, I’ll try to share it here. The center of the ham radio universe at Michigan State University is the MSU Amateur Radio Club. Find us on-lineon Facebook and on Twitter. W8SH, the club station, was first licensed in 1919. MSUARC has our own shack in the Engineering Building and is active on the Low Bands, Satellite, FM and just about every mode that hams use these days. The club also operates W8MSU-R, a 70cm repeater on  442.900+MHz; 77.0Hz PL. It has echolink connectivity. Find it there at Node 289654.

I’ve been licensed since 1982 and am a proud member of the American Radio Relay League, the national organization that supports ham radio. It’s lead by Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, an MSU poly-sci grad who was instrumental in helping MSUARC to thrive during his time at State.

Are you a licensed Spartan ham? Join the MSUARC email list here. Not yet licensed? Learn how.