Amateur Radio Broadband

Can radio amateurs connect their computers across a wireless network? You bet. Firing data between ham stations is as old as the Morse Code. With the advent of Packet Radio Two popular ways to do it are D-RATS and HSMM-MESH. D-RATS is a lot like what Internet Relay Chat used to…

What Are Voting Receivers?

One way that repeater systems with strong transmit capability can improve their “ears” is the installation of remote receiver locations throughout the coverage area. These are connected to the transmit site via a linking frequency using a highly directional yagi antenna. Technology at the repeater site scans for the strongest…

Kits and catalogs of yore

Once upon a time, we built Heathkits and Knightkits and got our resistors, capacitors and solder from places like Allied, Radio Shack and Lafayette Radio Electronics. Allied has had a renaissance as a mail order parts retailer, but brick and mortar stores are fading into the sunset. Elecraft remains the…