Order of the Arrow is on the air in East Lansing

K2BSA/8 QRV at Michigan State University. Shouts to MSUARC’s NF8M, WB8LZG, W8JRK, K8GVK & KA7MMM for getting things going.

From Dale’s Tales:

To celebrate this unique event the Michigan State University Amateur Radio Club, (MSUARC) W8MSU will be sponsoring a special event Amateur Radio station, K2BSA/8. The station will be located close to the exhibitor’s tents and will be operating on 20 and 40 M, the local repeater (442.900 + 77) and IRLP node (7930) in addition to Echolink (289654). The station will be manned by ham radio operators from across the nation Monday through Friday 9-12 and 1- 5 EDT. This event is supported by ICOM radio.